Hello 2013


No pomp, no glory, no ecstatic enthusiasm for a new year. Just a simple ‘hello’ will do.

Full of promises and new beginnings, in that way every year is the same. To be honest, why don’t we do this at the end of every month? Why is January so much different from say, August turning into September? Shouldn’t we expect new beginnings for every new month?

We treat a new year, like a re-birth. Looking to better ourselves in whatever way seems right. New job, improved finances, lose weight, stop smoking, cut back on spending money, be a better parent/sibling/son/daughter  blah, blah, blah.

I am no different to everyone else. I treat the turning of the new year with an element of retrospection on the previous year and how I can make things better for the next. I don’t kid myself though. I know that fundamentally I am the same person as I was yesterday (maybe a little heavier with all the Christmas consumption). I also know that I carry the same baggage as I did yesterday. None of which will disappear over night and into a new year.

However, I do know that, with a bit of willpower and determination, I am capable of altering aspects of my life. But it’s a work-in-progress. It’s been happening for the last 20 years (my adult life). Every day, week, month carries a constant review of what’s happened and how I could’ve changed or done something to affect the outcome. Or indeed, if I was happy with the outcome – now that would be pleasant!

I don’t make resolutions. Not proper ones anyway. I always carry the resolve to be a good person wherever I can. I also resolve to be honest and truthful whenever I can. These seem to be the key things in life – to be good and honest and truthful, to yourself and to others. If you can adhere to this mantra, then all the other stuff which could be deemed important, just isn’t.

So, no review of 2012. It came, I saw and I conquered! It won’t go down as a vintage year, but it’s also not been the worst. I do wish and hope for a good 2013 where there is a sense of fulfilment throughout. Happiness is a fleeting emotion and the best we can hope for is contentment. So that’s what I’m aiming for.

One thought on “Hello 2013

  1. Great view of the turning of the year. I like the reminder that we should think about renewal each month and not just the start of the year. Contentment is a worthy goal. May I join you?

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