My new notebook dilemma!

I haveĀ  a new notebook. It’s just a small book, with a quirky 1940’s style picture on the front. It’s lined pages and is crying out to be written in. I bought it just because it looked lovely.

But it’s a virgin notebook. I can’t just write anything in there. The words and thoughts that will go on those crisp, clean pages need to have meaning, both now and when I look back on it (I’m not one for throwing away my notes).

I have other notebooks. In fact I only have one other book that’s constantly in use. This is where I update my endless ‘to-do’ lists, complete with their own little tick boxes. Rows and rows of things I’ve completed or still need to do, both work and personal. Why would I need to create another book to repeat a similar exercise?

One for work and one for personal maybe? But hang-on – what if one entry cross-referenced with another? Oh the horror! I would have to carry both books around with me, making silly references in both. No. I would only confuse and create extra work for myself!

And then there’s the small issue of pen choice. I can’t write in my new book with any old pen. It has to be one which will continue for pages and pages, so the book looks ordered and neat (sigh, I’m such a Virgo). Do I have a pen with such longevity and stamina?

So, dear reader, I have a notebook dilemma. But I will seek to find the answer and those pages will shout deep and meaningful pose – even if it’s meaning is of use to me. Well, it is my notebook!